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Friday, August 6, 2010


you got an iPad.
Good for you! Now put it down
and get back to work.


  1. I have not yet been down to the Apple store to verify this, but I strongly suspect that people who buy the company's latest devices are forced to sign a user agreement that compels them to take the silly things everywhere they go, endlessly using them and showing off how clever they are. Enough already!

  2. Incoming UCI medical students are now each given an iPad loaded with textbooks, schedules, etc. This replaces the usual stethoscope, blood pressure monitor and tuning fork previously handed out.

    Sounds like a good idea to me.

    So the next time you are in Orange County, don't assume that every iPad you see is just a fashion statement.

  3. UCI med students, fine. My co-workers who keep playing stupid games ...? No.
