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Sunday, December 12, 2010

College Acceptance

When I was 18
It wasn't THAT big a deal.
Now it's *like* ALL that.

The good news is: my oldest just got into the one college he really wants to attend. The bad news: the application process was awful and angst-ridden, and he, frankly, just got lucky. A lot of his friends who are equally talented and hardworking etc. etc. received deferrals or outright rejections. I know competetive college admissions are these days ... I don't blame the schools ... but are we parents putting wayyyyyyy too much importance on where our kids do their undergrad? Do employers really even care where potential employees spent the years between 18 and 22, so long as they didn't post anything stupid on YouTube or Facebook? I don't know ....


  1. Yesssssss! Went through this last year and was shocked at the randomness. It all ends up okay but these poor kids go through hell...
    I enjoy your blog, btw!

  2. hurray hurray hurray!!!!!!!!!! so happy for you all!!!!!
