Absurdly in Love
With my New Water Bottle
I Just had to Share.
So I love Bikram yoga, right? Only it's really hard to stay hydrated when you're exercising for 90 minutes in a super-heated room. Even if you bring a bottle of iced water in with you, ten minutes into your practice the ice has completely melted and the water has gone tepid. Nasty when you're already a little queasy from standing on one leg with your head on the other knee for a minute and a half. Even worse, if your bottle is metal (which the best ones are) it gets hot and burns your lips. Very un-cool. Enter the G2V Zero Mass Vacuum Bottle: first of all, it's sustainably manufactured of fully recyclable, BPA-free materials. Ethical products are good. It's odor and stain resistant ( if you've ever spent time in a Bikram hot room, you know how important that is). Best of all ... the way this thing is constructed means it keeps whatever is inside freezing cold ... indefinitely ... no matter how high the ambient temperature. How do I know this? Because I just took my sexy new bottle to yoga, and, when class was over, the ice cubes inside hadn't melted AT ALL. Which meant that after camel pose, when I needed it bad, I had a fabulous drink of coldcoldcold water! I guess this might seem a little obsessive and weird if you don't do Bikram, but if you do, you are nodding along with me right now, aren't you?? AREN'T YOU??!!??? I love this new bottle. Oh - and the outside doesn't sweat, and the BPA-free plastic mouth stays cool, so you don't hurt your kisser. I am going to go and kiss my bottle now. You should try it, too.
nice! =) I hope that you also check my blog specially my first post. Thanks! =)